Further Trading Partner Options

  July 24, 2012       By Ray Atia
One of the most important considerations in evaluation translation software is your own specific needs. Of course, you will also need to evaluate the general requirements of the Electronic Data Interchange or EDI. The following trading partner options should be reviewed thoroughly in order for you to determine which options apply specifically to your particular circumstances. The first consideration is Multiple GS03s that will apply to each ISA. In the case that an ISA envelope indicates that a certain transmission is to go from one company, say ABC, to XYZ company, the GS03s can then be used to specifically indicate that the transmission is coming from the A section of company ABC. The GS03s can also determine which division of the second company, the XYZ, will receive the transmission. Keep in mind that within the ISA envelope itself details regarding the sender and the receiver can be broken down. The GS segment is used to indicate multiple envelopes within the ISA envelope. This is an invaluable procedure which allows a customer to place only one order with you, but then you can automatically send separate parts of the order to the division that can handle that part. This means faster service for the customer. The translation software should be able to quickly separate and then distribute the EDI information to certain recipients. This distribution is based on the IDs that are indicated in the parts of the GS. Within the translation software itself you will be able to have the EDI documents divided and distributed to the correct recipients. This can be done because of the IDs that are provided within each GS part. Also within the translation software you can indicate an internal number for each customer. This internal code will identify will indicate the application, interface, translator, and VAN or ISP. When a different 10 number is used for ISP or VAN transmissions, the translator will be able to quickly acquire that number and transfer the e-mail to the supplier. Proprietary headers can be used by trading partners even though these envelope labels are not in wide use at this time. An instance of this would be if one of the partners had been using proprietary headers that were imbedded in the system, and it would be too expensive to change the system to remove them. In this care the software should allow you to continue the use of the proprietary headers at least at this partner level.