From Supplier to Buyer with EDI for Amazon Vendors

  April 02, 2019       By Galia Ben Harouch
From Supplier to Buyer with EDI for Amazon Vendors

Becoming an Amazon vendor has its upsides and downsides, but for most sellers, it'll be a step up in terms of business growth.  No more advertising and promoting your product, Amazon is now in the drivers' seat, and all you have to do is fill in orders. We call it a step up, because you now have time to invest in other products, and expand your activity... providing, of course, that you have EDI. 

Becoming a vendor doesn't necessarily mean you're going to earn more or sell more. Once you gave Amazon the right to manage your product, the first thing you're going to gain is TIME. 

However, since your product is not FBA, you remain in a very close relationship with Amazon, functioning as a supplier or a drop-shipper. 

Everybody knows that Amazon has rules for everything, and they have very strict rules for vendors. After all, it's their reputation on the line, especially when the product is now supposedly "Sold and Shipped by Amazon". 

To make sure you're delivering the product in time to the buyer, they have a very specific process, from the moment they send the order, to the moment it's leaving your warehouse and shipped to the customer. 

Now let's be frank, you won't be able to meet those demands for a very long without some kind of automation. The process is just too strict and specific for a person to manually do everything on time. We're talking about dozens of products shipped every day, sometimes more. 
Inevitably, you're going to get the order of things mixed up here and there, and then you'll be fined by Amazon, or even loos your vendor status - and that's not what you're trying to do here. 

Now let's take a look at the other end of selling products - your suppliers.  

Whether you're a factory or a middleman, you have suppliers. Your orders from your suppliers have to be in perfect compliance with the number of products you ship out. 

Now you see how from Supplier to Buyer - your system should know how to connect the dots, so you don't run out of stock on one hand, and avoid making shipping mistakes on the other. 

All of that is easy when you have EDI Integration

At Amosoft we've seen businesses like yours who made the leap from Seller to Vendor and have trouble adjusting to the new workflow that Amazon in dictating. 

Using EDI, we can connect your system with your supplier's system on one hand, and with Amazon's on the other. 
First, we attend to the process of issuing and shipping on time with all the necessary paperwork, automate it and make it error-proof, so you won't be able to get into trouble with Amazon anymore. 
Second, we look into issuing orders to your suppliers according to the state of your stock, the rate of orders coming in and items shipping out. 

Once it's all done, you'll be able to feel how becoming a vendor, release time for growing your business.